Friday, November 16, 2007

Baby Prayer Requests

Well, yesterday we were back in the hospital with contractions. The dr thought at one point we were going to deliver the baby, but they got the contractions to stop! Praise God!! Anyway, I got the muscle relaxer shot again and then we had to do two steroids shots to help get the baby's lungs ready just incase we do deliver a little early.

Prayer Requests:
Wisdom for me on decision making...whether/when to go or not etc

Wisdom for the Drs

No More Contractions

No tenderness by my incision

Healthy Baby

God's Will

Mary Jo


Wheeler Family said...

Oh, wow. I'm praying for you. Hope all goes well...

Bley's Blog said...

Oh my, that has got to be scary. We will be praying for everything to go good, and for a very healthy baby!